Kathryn Toohey

I transformed my health - and my entire life - through hypnotherapy, and you can too!

About Your Hypnotherapist

I'm Kathryn Toohey

I transformed my health - and my entire life - through hypnotherapy, and you can too!

You can read about my story below and how I came to launch Kathryn Toohey Hypnotherapy & Performance Coaching to help people just like you and I to make positive, transformational change.

My Story

Back in my mid-twenties I was suffering terribly with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I was bloated and uncomfortable, despite having a healthy diet and taking regular exercise.

To add to my embarrassment I was newly married and kept being asked if I was pregnant.

More than that - I was miserable.

The way my stomach felt and looked was dominating my every thought and dictating my life – where I could go, (would there be a bathroom?), what I could wear, what I could eat…

I tried everything - dietary changes, supplements, hydrotherapy, etc. – but nothing worked long-term.

And Then I Discovered Hypnotherapy...

I saw an advertisement in my local Yellow Pages for hypnotherapy, and IBS was listed as one of the issues they could help with.

I hadn’t even considered that my negative thinking and my stressed-out emotional state were having a direct impact on my physical body and my digestive system. The short version of this story is that I transformed my health – and my entire life - through hypnotherapy.

The IBS went away and I became physically and emotionally stronger.

I turned to hypnotherapy time and time again when I needed to find inner strength – it helped me get through divorce, a huge family bereavement, miscarriages, changes in career, a prolonged concussion from a head injury and a distressing immune system issue I suffered with for years that affected the skin on my face.

In 2015 I married my best friend Alex. Before we were married he saw me at my lowest ebb, my weakest state physically and emotionally. He witnessed first-hand the transformations I made in my life through hypnotherapy and became my biggest supporter.

I was so blown away by the positive impact hypnotherapy had had on my life that I wanted to help others to do the same - so I decided to train as a professional hypnotherapist.

When I see my clients free themselves from negative patterns of behavior and thinking, and taking back control of their lives - it feels incredible! I'm full of pride and admiration for people who want to create positive change. To know that I have helped them make a difference is extremely rewarding, but to know that they can continue to live with their positive results, and are fully equipped to sustain them is humbling.

I love hypnosis so much that I have made it my mission to train with some of the world's best trainers, including:

  • Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy - Architecture of Hypnosis; Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques; Mindscaping

  • Jacquin Hypnosis Academy - Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma

  • The Scottish School of Clinical Hypnosis - Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma

  • Hypnotic World - Diploma in Hypnotherapy

About Your Hypnotherapist

I'm Kathryn Toohey

I transformed my health - and my entire life - through hypnotherapy, and you can too!

You can read about my story below and how I came to launch Kathryn Toohey Hypnotherapy & Performance Coaching to help people just like you and I to make positive, transformational change.

My Story

Back in my mid-twenties I was suffering terribly with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I was bloated and uncomfortable, despite having a healthy diet and taking regular exercise.

To add to my embarrassment I was newly married and kept being asked if I was pregnant.

More than that - I was miserable.

The way my stomach felt and looked was dominating my every thought and dictating my life – where I could go, (would there be a bathroom?), what I could wear, what I could eat…

I tried everything - dietary changes, supplements, hydrotherapy, etc. – but nothing worked long-term.

And Then I Discovered Hypnotherapy...

I saw an advertisement in my local Yellow Pages for hypnotherapy, and IBS was listed as one of the issues they could help with.

I hadn’t even considered that my negative thinking and my stressed-out emotional state were having a direct impact on my physical body and my digestive system. The short version of this story is that I transformed my health – and my entire life - through hypnotherapy.

The IBS went away and I became physically and emotionally stronger.

I turned to hypnotherapy time and time again when I needed to find inner strength – it helped me get through divorce, a huge family bereavement, miscarriages, changes in career, a prolonged concussion from a head injury and a distressing immune system issue I suffered with for years that affected the skin on my face.

In 2015 I married my best friend Alex. Before we were married he saw me at my lowest ebb, my weakest state physically and emotionally. He witnessed first-hand the transformations I made in my life through hypnotherapy and became my biggest supporter.

I was so blown away by the positive impact hypnotherapy had had on my life that I wanted to help others to do the same - so I decided to train as a professional hypnotherapist.

When I see my clients free themselves from negative patterns of behavior and thinking, and taking back control of their lives - it feels incredible! I'm full of pride and admiration for people who want to create positive change. To know that I have helped them make a difference is extremely rewarding, but to know that they can continue to live with their positive results, and are fully equipped to sustain them is humbling.

I love hypnosis so much that I have made it my mission to train with some of the world's best trainers, including:

  • Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy - Architecture of Hypnosis; Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques; Mindscaping

  • Jacquin Hypnosis Academy - Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma

  • The Scottish School of Clinical Hypnosis - Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma

  • Hypnotic World - Diploma in Hypnotherapy

My Journey


In the beginning

I studied Music at University, specialising in performance, but a pattern emerged where I was holding myself back - by getting in my head, overthinking what had always come naturally to me and sabotaging my abilities.

During that time I made a decision to take the pressure off myself - to keep my life simple, to take the "sensible" route and go into Music teaching rather than pursuing my performance dreams, and to generally play things safe and small.


And then..

Just as I was settling down into married life and a career as a High School Music teacher, I became more and more uncomfortable around my stomach, experiencing extreme bloating, leaving me feeling self-conscious and fearful around food and social situations.

I felt isolated - at work, with my friends, with the music and theatre groups I was part of - and lonely at home, so much so that I'd do anything to avoid being there.

The IBS symptoms I was experiencing got worse and worse and my negative situation dominated my thoughts. I tried everything I could to get better - dietary changes, hydrotherapy, so many supplements - but nothing worked long term until I discovered hypnotherapy.


My Breakthrough

During my hypnotherapy program I had three major epiphanies!

1. My negative mindset and thought patterns were actually keeping me feeling stuck and unwell - the stress hormones I was releasing were causing inflammation in my body, creating a vicious cycle of an increasingly toxic environment;

2. I'd been suppressing my own desires and feelings for years - I wasn't being true to myself and my body was asking me to listen - and to take action;

3. I had some major life changes I needed to make if I was going to break out of the negative cycle I'd felt trapped in - I needed to take responsibility for my own physical, mental and emotional health and stop feeling like a victim of my circumstances.


Where I am Today

I have come to realise that my mind and body are connected in such a way that they will alert me when something needs my attention - I'm so grateful that I listened and took positive action!

I have turned to hypnotherapy time and time again throughout my life to help me overcome challenges - and each time discovering that the answers were inside of me (in the wealth of knowledge that is my unconscious mind) all along!

As such I have grown in confidence and created a life where I surround myself with positive people. I prioritise my own physical, emotional and mental well-being, whilst taking risks, getting out of my comfort zone and allowing myself to grow and enjoy my life - and not take everything so seriously!

I've gone from the quiet girl who played things safe and small to putting myself out there - sharing my own story to inspire others - and running my own successful hypnotherapy business to help them discover their own epiphanies!

What I believe

  • The first step to getting where you want to be is accepting where you are right now

  • We all have a wealth of untapped potential inside of our unconscious - which is responsible for about 95% of our mind

  • The most empowering and dynamic form of personal change is discovering that it came from inside of you!

  • Anxiety is an essential part of our human existence, allowing us to survive - I help people eliminate inappropriate or disproportionate anxiety

  • Anxiety is a behaviour, and patterns of behaviours and habits are easily changed

  • It doesn't matter how long you might have had the problem - through hypnosis you will create new neural pathways in the brain allowing you to experience rapid transformation

  • Your mind and body are inextricably linked - the quality of your thoughts creates the territory that you live in

You Really Can Take Back Control of Your Life

Does Hypnotherapy Sound Too Good To Be True?!

I thought so too when I was like you - searching for something that could help me get the solutions I needed once and for all

My relationship with hypnosis began when I booked a consultation with a local hypnotherapist. I was skeptical at first as I couldn't understand how it could work for someone like me - someone with actual, real problems and physical symptoms - how on earth was closing my eyes and using my imagination going to do anything at all??!

I know how it feels to be the client - to be new to this - and as such I ensure that you feel comfortable throughout the entire process, and I demonstrate and explain how hypnosis is working for you as you create the changes you so deserve.

This is a process that starts with you - when you book a Consultation Call with me - and is led by you as we work together.

No two people are the same, and as such I have an entirely client-led approach.

When I was the client - despite my skepticism - I did have faith that hypnosis could work for some people. After all, the hypnotherapist I saw was running a successful business... but I didn't have faith in myself. I felt like my issues were so deeply rooted, so complex and unique to my particular circumstances, I couldn't imagine that I'd be able to achieve the positive outcomes I wanted.

I didn't doubt the process as such - I doubted myself.

And yet - I did succeed!! In fact, I achieved positive outcomes through hypnotherapy time and time again as it became my "go-to" in times of challenge. The more I accomplished with hypnosis, the more my confidence grew because I realised that the solutions I was looking for were inside of me all along!

I finally understood that hypnosis wasn't about any "magical powers" of a hypnotist like I'd seen in movies - but in fact it was simply using my thoughts and imagination in a more positive way.

If I can do it - then you can too! There is nothing special about me - no more so than any other wonderfully unique human being on this beautiful planet we call home - let me teach you the ways.

Even though I no longer teach in schools, I still see my job now as teaching!

Let me teach you how to use your mind more effectively so that you can achieve your positive outcome.

Are you ready to unlock your potential?

Let's Talk!

This is what you've been looking for.

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